Sunday, June 29, 2008

3rd Week

I've finally settled into the schedule for life down here. I'm used to waking up at 6, and now I'm hungry at the right times too! Work this week was spent, once again, getting the slaggers to work. We got a new gun and I played with the machines for 2 days! But finally, on Thursday afternoon we had 2 guns working at the same time! Then on Friday we did work for South Bend Branch members. The deal was that we worked, and they paid the missionaries a donation for our labor. I ended up stripping stain off of a deck, which is far more difficult than I was hoping coming into it. It was a lot of scrubbing and powerwashing for about 8 hours!It was great to work for another cause besides our own self benefit. We had two talks too, one about the extensive history of the People of Praise, and one about the Spirit and Purpose of the People of praise. Both helped me understand the POP a lot more; how it came, what we're doing and why, when really cool things happened, like the beginning of Trinity. I am now way more excited than ever to work for the People of Praise and help it accomplish our goal of 200 new cities in 40 years! Glory!

Friday night was the first Community meeting for us this summer. It was a great meeting with a ton of people I didn't know! We watched the 3rd Indy Video which you can see here The sight has a few videos from Indy and pictures too! After the meeting we went to the Pruess' and played some ping pong, pool and fooseball. Good times... I met a ton of new people! I got home late though and stayed up later so I didn't get enough sleep! Saturday I made some more bread! 28 loaves!


Sunday I went to church and then over to the Zusi's for brunch! It was a great meal and conversation followed by a game of baseball with the little Zusi's and then some intense volleyball for a couple hours! It was awesome! Then we headed over to the Heintzelman's for dinner! South Benders are so hospitable! At the Heintzelman's we had a really great meal full of all the summer goodies: corn on the cob, watermelon, patato salad, sloppy joes... etc. Then I had 4 or 5 brownies for dessert! After that we came home and watched Usual Suspects, our first movie this summer.

Baseball at the Zusi's... yes I tagged out a 5 year old.

Here's a couple clips from our life:

I thought this was cool. Jeremy Osterhouse built it with all the cans from around the One Ten office. This is David Salmon's desk...his boss who's on vacation!

This is how we do dishes around here, there IS a ton of 'em, we might as well make 'em fun!


Anonymous said...

you look like you're having more fun with the dishes than andy though

Abby said...

you sing like abe.

Lucy Ennis said...

Where's the soap?!? :) haha looks like fun!